
Enchanting Edinburgh and Gaily Glasgow

The rich culture and gorgeous landscapes make Scotland a destination that seems to have it all. You'll feel welcomed by friendly locals as you explore rugged mountains, lively cities, and quaint shops. You're sure to be greeted by a sheep or a herd because this country of 5 million people is the home of 7 million sheep. Our first stay was in Edinburgh, also known for being one of the most beautiful cities in the world, its historic attractions, UNESCO World Heritage sites, and rich history. After walking over 30km exploring the city I would have to agree. It felt like I was in a Harry Potter world where everything was delightfully “dungeony”. St. Giles Cathedral was absolutely stunning and can be found as you walk up The Royal Mile, and another must see is Edinburgh Castle situated at the end of The Royal Mile, a street filled with museums, shops and buskers. The nightlife is probably the best we have experienced yet on this trip, we unexpectedly ended up in an open mic pub

Toulouse ~ La Vie En Rose (The Pink City)

Our last stop in the South of France did not disappoint. Although, Toulouse is famous for being the home of Airbus there is a wealth of culture and history, and most importantly a local population that is friendly and welcoming. Toulouse is a city that feels like a village. Although it is a large city in France, the downtown core has been well preserved and not urban like other large cities. Climate and weather are super nice (the city is the 13th sunniest in the country), more importantly for us you can get around easily on foot or by bicycle. One of the highlights was visiting with a former coop student Rob worked with at Honeywell Aerospace. He was in his early 20’s and just beginning his career with Airbus when they first met in the early 2000’s. Luc and his wife Sophie invited us to a traditional Toulouse dinner at their lovely home. We spent the evening catching up and getting to know their two beautiful boys. Tom and Arthur melted my heart and helped me to improve my French

Montpellier est si Mignonne (Super Cute)

Quick story before I talk about this great place. So on the train ride from Avignon to Montpellier (1.25hrs), I was amazed by how the adults were completely at ease calling out inappropriate behaviour of young adults. All I could think was, no one would do this at home in fear of what the teen might say or do but not here…the teenager actually apologized and removed her feet from the seat. The French really believe in the saying, "It takes a village to raise a child"! As a side note, we have travelled using only public transportation throughout Europe aside from our 2 day car rental. I am so impressed by the convenience and flexibility it has given us while travelling, not to mention how inexpensive it is too! You all know I have a thing for finding deals. Montpellier was included during the last stages of our planning after a conversation with one of Matteo’s and Simone’s swim students, who raved about this university town just 10 minutes away from the Mediterranean Sea.

Adventures in Avignon

This one is going to be a long one…just a warning! I know I say I could live in many places but I would definitely feel right at home here in Avignon. It is central to many different towns but most importantly it’s filled with all sorts of wonderful speciality shops where I have been practicing my French and taking daily shopping trips to make meals for us. The town is also lively at night with wine bars and live music, lucky for us our apartment was right next to the music and fine arts school. We could just open the window and be serenaded every evening. Best of all you can walk and wander, finding new places everyday. Here is why I love France…you may not agree with me but they are lassez faire in an organized way. Life is simple, you buy what you need, you live in smaller spaces and still have everything you need and most importantly there is an appreciation for enjoying life. One thing Rob and I both noticed was that parenting seems far less stressful. We saw children, stroller