Carry-On Only... Can It Be Done?

It's been an eventful week, our son Matteo has left for his semester abroad in Rome so I've been busy getting him on his way. Now it's time to focus on packing for me! Yes…I’m planning on travelling 52 days with just a Carry-On. Those of you who know me, will appreciate that I love a challenge. The freedom of not having to wait for luggage, and knowing I have everything with me is the bonus . The most challenging part will be making sure I have the right clothing for the variety of weather conditions. Travelling from European heat to the wetlands of the UK and Ireland may complicate matters.


  1. So exciting. Can't wait to follow and livr vicariously through you

  2. Yay!!!! So exciting 💃

  3. 52 days?!?! Have the best time!
    So happy for you…with a small side of jealously of course. 🙂

  4. Of course it can be done with carry on. People have been backpacking through Europe for decades.

  5. Have an amazing time!!!!!!! I'm jealous!

  6. How exciting! Can't wait to see all the photos. I definitely will be living through them. Have a GREAT adventure!

  7. This will be the adventure of a lifetime! Enjoy every moment 💖

  8. Sounds like a lot of fun!! Enjoy!!

  9. Sounds amazing- enjoy!

  10. Let the fun begin!

  11. Wow, that’s so exciting! Enjoy!

  12. Enjoy the great adventure!!

  13. And there it begins…will follow with amusement all the fun & adventures & will look for best tips/tricks so we can learn for next year!:). Enjoy to the fullest!

  14. I love reading your blog, Karla! I traveled entire Europe with a tall backpack, which included sleeping bag, towel, clothing and food, as being from behind an Iron Curtain I couldn’t afford to buy any in Western Europe. But I was in my twenties then!
    Now, from time to time I challenge myself to pack light, and it’s a huge challenge


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