“Thankfulness is the quickest path to joy.” — Jefferson Bethke

The last few days have been interesting, challenging and not quite what I had expected when I first thought a senior’s trip was a good idea.  However I am grateful that this trip has highlighted some important steps we need to take when it comes to taking care of our parents as they get older and face challenges.  There are many lessons to be learned here. I have been learning the art of patience and being thankful for my health, both mentally and physically.  I’m doing my best to understand a little more everyday about dementia and mental illness to better support this transition for our moms. But more than anything I’m trying to do things differently in my life to make sure I appreciate and bring joy to as many moments in my life as possible. The one thing important thing I have learned about my time so far with the folks is that they no longer have a filter and will say what comes to mind so I’m constantly checking my surroundings to make sure no one gets offended. It has made for some awkward moments for sure!

We missed out on Thanksgiving in Canada this year but managed to see some of the American Thanksgiving traditions this past Thursday.  Here in American it is more than just about the Turkey on this Thursday, it’s about traditions and spending the day together with family and friends. It begins with the Macy’s Thanksgiving parade, followed by football and ending with preparations for the Black Friday shopping madness.

Our version may have been a little different but we did enjoy our celebrations of this holiday just the same. We began our day by catching a little of the parade before heading over to the pool, where we listened to everyone sharing their plans for the day as we baked in the sun. Instead of football we opted for World Cup soccer and watched Portugal just barely beat Ghana. No Thanksgiving meal preparations for us this year,  we headed to the Hard Rock Casino for a little bit of gambling, before my father in law and Antonella treated us to a fabulous dinner. I must say that the people watching was on point and the place just got busier as the night went on, maybe the casino is more of a tradition than I thought. It was a great way to spend the evening, probably not very traditional for an American Thanksgiving but it was memorable!

My father in law Dominic and his wife Antonella left last night, I’m definitely sad to see them go. We always have such a great time together and they were amazing and super helpful with my mother in law. There is a kindness to them that I can only hope to achieve one day. As we say good bye to them, we welcome my parents who arrived yesterday morning to join in the Delray Vacation. 

Enjoy the weekend everyone! I’m going to attempt to work on my tan and continue to be Thankful for this year of travel!


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