Home Is Where The Wifi Connects Automatically

Florida is definitely starting to feel like home. That has both its pros and its cons. I don’t know how I’m going to go back to Canadian living. We are heading back to Mississauga next week for a quick weekend visit. I’m honestly a little terrified to go home and not looking forward to the cold. We haven’t been to our real home since Dec 14th and somehow I’m not homesick. Don’t get me wrong, I absolutely miss my kids, family and friends but thanks to FaceTime and technology it’s much easier to ease those moments. 

Rob and his Dad Solving The 🌎’s Problems

The hardest time of the last 6 months hit this week when our daughter Simone was sick and I couldn’t be there in person to comfort her. The poor girl caught some stomach bug that had forced her to spend her birthday this past Tuesday (Happy 20th Birthday Simone) in bed. Luckily her brother quickly became Nurse Matteo and helped comfort her along with my amazing mom who headed over to see her. Thank you to everyone who made here feel special on her birthday weekend, she is so lucky to be surround by such love. Something like this was bound to happen at least once during our time away but the guilt is still there….

Birthday Girl

Smash Cake 

Nurse Matteo on Duty

After our amazing trip to Mexico… we have believe it or not tried to just enjoy some downtime and appreciate our local surroundings. We had a lovely dinner with our friend Silvia and are continuing to spend some quality time with my father in-law and Antonella outside of the casino. Instead of the Casino we ventured to a wine tasting event this past weekend at our local liquor store, West Palm Liquor which is across from the condo. All you can taste (aka drink) for $10. How do you say no to that and it’s walking distance? Sign me up! Needless to say we got to taste some great wines and liquors in a strip mall (I’m serious it was in the Big Lots Strip Mall), doesn’t get classier then that. It’s part of my 3.5 star personality I guess!

Live Action

Can’t Beat A Strip Mall Liquor Party

Rob headed out for a Scuba Dive in West Palm Beach this week and although I’m not a diver I went along for the day and enjoyed some quiet Karla time on the beach. He came out of the water so excited, I swear this guy should have been a Marine Biologist, his eagerness to tell me about all the amazing things he saw was so adorable (I prefer to see Marine Life on a screen or in books).

Rob’s Return To Land

I’m sure you don’t want to hear this but I’m going to tell you anyways … the weather has been so nice. Southern Florida has been hitting heat records for the last few days and I’m soaking it all in. Stay warm everyone I’ll take one for the team this time!

It’s Okay If You Hate Me Right Now


  1. Finally catching up on my reading…was great to catch up and spend time with all of you! Wish I could have stayed longer even though I already extended my stay thanks to Mother Nature :)


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